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What Happens When You Quit Alcohol:
1 Week, 1 Month, 90 Days After You Stop Drinking

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Making the decision to stop drinking is a life-changing. Whether you’re doing it to improve your health, regain control over your life, the effects of alcohol are far reaching. 

Globally, alcohol use disorder accounts for up to 6% of global deaths. Quitting alcohol can lead to significant improvements in your health, life, and relationships. 

But what can you expect when you stop drinking? 

The journey to living alcohol free is unique for each person, there are common physical and mental changes people experience during different stages of recovery. 

Peachtree Detox offers alcohol detox in Atlanta, Georgia to help individuals overcome alcohol use disorder.

1 Week After Quitting Alcohol

In the first week without alcohol, your body begins to go through alcohol withdrawal

During this time, it’s common to experience withdrawal symptoms, particularly if you were a heavy drinker. 

These symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include:

  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Headaches

Once the initial withdrawal symptoms subside, you may notice improvements in your sleep patterns. Your skin may also start to look clearer, and your hydration levels improve, reducing bloating. 

At this stage, the liver begins its healing process, especially if alcohol caused any damage.

One Month Without Alcohol

After a month of abstaining from alcohol, the changes become even more noticeable. 

By this time:

  • Sleep quality significantly improves, allowing your body to rest and repair.
  • Your energy levels rise, as alcohol is no longer depleting your system.
  • Mental clarity and cognitive ability increases, helping you focus better at work and in your personal life.
  • Weight loss is common, especially since alcohol can be high in empty calories.
  • Your liver function improves, allowing it to effectively filter out toxins and support overall health.

Emotionally, you may begin to notice an uplift in your mood as alcohol-induced anxiety and depression start to go away.

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90 Days Without Alcohol

At the 90-day mark, you may feel like a new person. 

Physically, your body has had time to heal from the effects of alcohol, and you’ve likely experienced numerous benefits:

  • Blood pressure and cholesterol levels improve, reducing your risk of heart disease.
  • Liver function continues to recover, and if there was alcohol-related damage, it might have significantly healed by this point.
  • Your immune system strengthens, making it easier to fight off illnesses.

Mentally, you may find that your mood has stabilized, and feelings of depression or anxiety have completely disappeared.

Many people also report better memory and cognitive function after 90 days without alcohol.

One Year Without Alcohol

Reaching the one-year milestone without alcohol is a huge accomplishment. 

By this time, you’ve likely experienced major transformations in both your physical health and mental well-being:

  • Your risk of developing alcohol-related diseases, like liver disease or certain types of cancer, has significantly decreased.
  • Your heart health is better, with improved circulation and a reduced risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • You may have achieved a healthier weight and improved your overall fitness levels.
  • Relationships with family, friends, and coworkers may have improved as alcohol no longer plays a role in your interactions.
  • Mentally, you’ve likely developed healthier coping mechanisms for stress and emotional regulation, and your self-confidence continues to grow.

After one year, many people feel more in control of their lives and enjoy a sense of freedom from alcohol dependency.

Can I Quit Alcohol Cold Turkey?

Quitting alcohol cold turkey can be dangerous, especially if you’ve been a heavy or long-term drinker.

The body can develop a physical dependence on alcohol, and suddenly stopping can trigger severe withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures, delirium tremens (DTs), and heart issues. It’s important to understand that the detox process needs to be managed carefully and professionally.

If you’re considering quitting alcohol, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional or seek a medical detox program to ensure a safe withdrawal process.

Withdrawal From Alcohol Safely at Peachtree Detox

At Peachtree Detox, we understand the challenges of quitting alcohol and the risks involved. Our medically supervised detox programs in Georgia provide a safe and supportive environment where you can undergo alcohol withdrawal with professionals.

Don’t take the risk of going through alcohol withdrawal alone—reach out to Peachtree Detox today, and take the first step toward a healthier, alcohol-free life.

Call us now or verify your insurance.