Someone who has developed a Kratom addiction usually wants to know the specifics of how treatment programs work. For example, they will have questions about the Kratom withdrawal timeline.
Peachtree Detox provides concentrated care for the challenging first days of giving up Kratom abuse. We supply medical and psychological supervision while the individual goes through the initial withdrawal stages.
Our team of compassionate therapists and medical clinicians will explain what to expect during Kratom detox in Atlanta. In addition, we provide assistance including medication and emotional support to help ease the withdrawal process.
Peachtree Detox is a premier provider of addiction treatment services and detox programs in Atlanta, Georgia. If you or someone you love is in need of professional care, reach out to us now.
When someone who becomes addicted to kratom stops taking it, they will experience a kratom withdrawal timeline. While the withdrawal symptoms may vary, the most common ones are:
The duration of a kratom withdrawal timeline varies depending on circumstances such as the length of a person’s addiction and the amount of their typical dosage. The average time that withdrawal lasts is about a week, with some symptoms continuing after the conclusion of the initial detox period.
Each person has their own individual reaction to stopping the abuse of the drug, but there is a typical kratom withdrawal timeline.
The first symptoms appear around 10-12 hours after last taking kratom. The individual may feel flu-like symptoms, including sweating and a runny nose. They also may experience anxiety.
The previous symptoms will worsen and others may develop. They include difficulty sleeping, depression, and shakiness. Withdrawal symptoms are at their worst during this period.
Many symptoms become less severe or stop happening. The cravings for kratom often still exist.
After one week, emotional withdrawal symptoms often continue for several more weeks. This includes anxiety, depression, and moodiness.
Kratom use at low dosages can provide a stimulant effect, while at higher dosages it acts more like a sedative or opioid-type drug. Using kratom can cause side effects including medical ones like digestive difficulties, sweating, dizziness, frequent urination, and itchy skin. As well, it can cause cognitive difficulties and hallucinations.
Going through the kratom withdrawal timeline proves challenging physically and emotionally, but is not generally considered dangerous. However, risks do exist, making it imperative that someone enrolls in a professional detox program and receives medical and psychological supervision and treatment while detoxing.
No one who has developed a substance use disorder should attempt to detox without medical supervision. Going to a detox program, the first step in treatment, takes about a week and will provide valuable medical and psychological support to help the person learn to live without using Kratom. After detox, the individual should enroll in either inpatient or outpatient care to help them continue to learn to live without abusing the drug.
Both detox and follow-up care use a variety of therapies that target the cause of a person’s addiction. They learn healthy coping skills and work on resolving contributing factors, such as anxiety or depression. Additionally, medications can be taken that minimize many of the withdrawal symptoms experienced.
While there isn’t a drug specifically manufactured to treat kratom withdrawal, medications can be used to combat withdrawal symptoms. Prescription medications are often used to help treat medical withdrawal symptoms, such as digestive difficulties and flu-like symptoms. As well, those experiencing anxiety and depression can take medications to help ease their symptoms.
Did you start using kratom recreationally and then found yourself gripped by the need to abuse it? Kratom addiction requires treatment from a center that specializes in helping people overcome all types of substance use disorders. Our highly trained and experienced staff knows how to teach people to recognize the reasons behind their urge to abuse kratom and other substances. We help you develop healthy coping skills and avoid the temptation to relapse as you move through the kratom withdrawal timeline.
Contact Peachtree Detox today to learn how our multi-disciplinary recovery approach can change your life. Our admissions staff can answer any questions you have about how to move back to sober living.
Did you know most major health insurance plans with out-of-network benefits can help cover most of the costs associated with our program? Click below to find out your coverage and treatment options for our detox centers in Atlanta, Georgia.
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